Anne Cosey (AC) - Chief People Adviser

An Enabler of Champions; a Cultivator of Culture and Engagement and an Advocate for Life More Abundantly.

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As Owner of the People Advisory function, I help individuals realize the most authentic version of themselves by encouraging the transformation of their career or business desire; designing specific initiatives; and aligning programs that edify and enlighten the importance and value of  developing, implementing, and maintaining a Polished Image.

I coach and encourage not just to press passion point(s), however, to also help individuals gain confidence in their own truth; who they think they are and who they say they are.

I Am Your Purpose Pusher & Hope Dealer!

Just as the woman of God was instructed to go throughout her community and gather as many empty vessels that she could find and fill them with the oil that she possessed [2 Kings 4:1-7], I have been commissioned to go out and gather open, empty, and willing vessels. Once the vessels have been gathered, I fill them with all the love, knowledge, and wisdom that I have gained over the years as a Mother, Grandmother, Sister, Aunt, Friend, Mentor, Author, Talent Influencer, and above all, Woman of God and Advocate for the People of God.

Time to Communicate w/ Confidence & Take Authority of the Power you Possess to Live & Be Your Own Truth!